Medical Sociologist

I’m a


Global Health Scholar

analyzing gender, health, and globalization.


My scholarship analyzes people’s lived experiences of gender and health in the context of macro-level political and economic transformations and instabilities in the contemporary era. I explore how gender, health, and labor in non-Western countries shape and are shaped by national development plans and the global political economy. In my research, I ask two key questions. First, how do gender and health intersect with globalization and national development strategies? Second, through what global political and economic processes do gender and health inequities emerge?


PhD, Sociology

Certificate in Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
Boston University

BA, Sociology

Minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies
Cum Laude
Bryn Mawr College


  • My work has been published in top academic journals, such as Social Science & Medicine and Gender, Work & Organization. Read more here.

  • I've shared my research in non-academic outlets, such as nationally-syndicated public radio and The Conversation. Explore this work here.

  • Pore over publications, presentations, and other professional information in my CV here.

  • Let's connect here.


Medical Sociology

The Politics of Global Health

Qualitative Sociology